Pray with Me for All of Us


We invite You to do absolutely everything You want to do in our hearts, minds, souls, lives, and families today. We give You free rein to shine the blazing Light of Your Word through the power of Your Spirit into the darkest corners of our thoughts, motives, and beliefs.

Cleanse and purify us. Refine us and make us holy. Let us live Spirit-filled, Word-empowered lives that bring the greatest possible honor, glory, and joy to You.

Your wisdom is infinitely higher than our own. We humble ourselves before You, knowing our wisdom is nothing and Yours is everything. We don’t trust ourselves or other people but lean totally on Your divine wisdom, omniscience, and omnipotence. Thank You that You will accomplish Your good purposes in our lives and in this world.

We lay our burdens and concerns at Your feet, knowing You care about each one and trusting You to bring beauty from ashes and joy from mourning. We stand on Your promise to use all things, good and bad, for eternal good in our lives because we belong to You.

Help us to be still and sit before You humbly and receptively. Please teach us Your ways. Let us savor our time with You more than anything in all the world. Let us treasure You, Your love, Your Word, and Your truth far above all else.

Correct and discipline us for our benefit. Prune us to make us more fruitful. Please give us hearts that are extremely sensitive to Your voice and long to obey You in love and gratitude. Let us live for Your will more than the food we eat.

Give us voracious appetites for Your presence, for prayer, and for the absolute truth of the Bible. Help us to grasp that You have provided every spiritual blessing and treasure for us. Help us to begin to fathom a fraction of the enormity of Your love for us and Your sovereignty over this world and universe.

Help us to still ourselves and be quiet and allow You to restore our souls as You lead us. You are our Good Shepherd. You know how to care for us.

You have us here in these marriages, these families, these social circles, and these particular countries at this moment in history on purpose. Let us stand firmly in Your calling. Let us be bold, courageous, and full of strong faith in You. Empower us to love You with all our hearts and to love those around us with Your divine love, even in the monotony of daily life.

We offer ourselves 100% as living sacrifices for You. Transform us by Your power. Help us to discern Your will and seek You with everything we have and all that we are.

Let Your divinity and supernatural love radiate from our faces, our motives, our words, and our actions. Set us on fire for You by the power of Your Spirit.

Help us to appreciate the gift of today and Your bountiful provision. Let us have thankful hearts every moment of the day. Let us be filled to overflowing with Your goodness, joy, peace, and hope. Let us be beacons of brilliant light, shining in a dark and depraved generation, offering Your eternal life to all around us.

Please make us fruitful for You. Not in our strength or our wisdom but by the power of Your Spirit. Do ALL You desire to do in us. We yield ourselves fully to Your will. Accomplish all You desire to do through us. We hold nothing back from You. Show us any areas we have not surrendered to You so that we can yield it to Your loving wisdom and truth. Make us powerful instruments of Your peace and righteousness.

We invite Your Spirit to work mightily in America, in every country around the world, in Your people, in our families, and in our hearts. We don’t want to miss out on anything from You or any part of Your will. Thank You that You are at work. Please give us eyes to see and ears to understand.

Let us be faithful to You. Use these trials to make us more like Jesus. Help us to embrace all the good things You want to do in us and for us even now.
Let us handle Your Word rightly, correctly dividing the truth from lies. Let us build our lives on the Solid Rock of Your Word alone.

Make us a blessing to our husbands, our children, our coworkers, our fellow believers, our neighbors, and our world. We want to be Your hands and feet. Let us have Your mind, Your heart, Your eyes, and Your mouth. Love people through us. Help us to make the most of every little moment, taking nothing for granted.

Please give our husbands Your wisdom to lead our families rightly. Raise up godly men and women from our ranks to stand against evil and to usher in the victory and authority of Christ in our countries and our families. Empower us to overcome evil with good and to lead many safely into Your kingdom.

Let us fix our eyes firmly on You. You are the Greatest Treasure in all the universe. Thank You for all You have done for us in the past and for Your incredible provision. Thank You that we can stand on Your promises no matter what may come.

Thank You that You will provide for us today and every day in the future. We trust You fully and love you with all our hearts. Thank You for being with us and for being our strong Fortress, Refuge, Shield, and Defender.



    1. Mrs Beth McLaughlin,
      Sometimes it helps us to see what we could pray and to work toward that, inviting God to stretch us. This is a very faith-stretching kind of time for all of us, I believe.

      Much love!

  1. Wow, that is a very powerful and comprehensive prayer! I am going to print it and share in Christmas cards. Like others, I am praying that The Lord would make EVERYTHING in it, my heart’s desires (the spirit is willng but the flesh is weak). One thing that has really helped me grow in faith and obedience this month has been participating in the Intercessors For America Bible Read-A-Thon over America. People sign up for 1 hour shifts and call into the IFA conference line and pick up where the last person left off. Sometimes we don’t know what to pray but you can never go wrong with praying His word (we are focusing on His words though and praying silently). Speaking scripture out loud and listening to others is very powerful. We know that God’s word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11) and is sharper than any 2 edge sword! (Hebrews 4:12) As of tonight, over 140 believers from all over America working together as the united Body of Christ will have read through the entire Bible in order 7 times! This movement will continue at least until Inauguration Day or longer if The Lord brings about a Bible revival. If anyone wants to join, the Sign Up Genius link is: Also, this is family friendly because anyone with a 6th grade reading level or higher can read. If you want more information before signing up, here is the link to an article in the Intercessors For America email that gives details and 5 reasons to participate!

    1. Karen,

      Thank you for praying with me for all of us and our country.

      That sounds wonderful about the Intercessors for America. Thank you for sharing.

      So true, praying God’s Word and His promises is a beautiful, powerful way to pray the Lord’s will into our lives and situations.

      Much love, dear sister!

  2. Amen! I’m going to print this out, too. This is so so good. This really helps me in how to pray. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this.

  3. I am so thankful I found this prayer today as my sins have felt overwhelming lately and you touched so many challenging areas. I too want to print it off – read it often and share. Love your messages, April!

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