Our hearts are so very heavy with the constant blows of violence that we continue to see in our country and around the world. None of us want to live in a world like this where people are killed so senselessly. Our hearts are broken! None of us want this kind of world for our children.
We, as a nation, have forsaken You, God. You are respecting our wishes and are slowly removing Your hand of protection from us to allow us to have what we want – freedom from You. But that means that we will live under the oppression of sin and Satan. Many of us don’t realize that “freedom from You” is quite literally “hell.” Freedom from You is freedom from everything that is good and right – and it is oppression by everything that is evil and wrong.
Please open our eyes before it is too late for us to see that we desperately need You in our lives, our government, our homes, our families, our schools, our businesses, and our churches! Without You, we will destroy ourselves as a country. We pray for a new Great Awakening unlike anything any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes in this culture. We can’t provide for ourselves. Everything we have comes from You. We can’t protect ourselves. Our safety is in Your hands. We can do nothing apart from You. Let us individually and corporately repent of our sin and turn to You humbly in faith and trust, ready to live under the Lordship of Christ. Only You can heal our land. Bring Your love and unity to our country and our culture. Heal our divisions, hatred, and gaping wounds. Calm our fears and fill us with Your love for each other.
We also lift up our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world and so many who are hurting and living in danger and in poverty. We lift up Russia as believers will face new persecution later this month as new laws go into effect to try to prevent them from sharing Christ with unbelievers in churches, in communities, online, and in their own private homes. These laws threaten them with fines and jail time if they witness for Christ. We lift up those affected by ISIS and extremist terror groups who are living in unspeakable conditions and horror, who can’t find food, water, shelter, and medicine for their families and who risk their lives by professing Christ. Let us stand united with them. Let them know they are dearly loved by You and by us.
Provide for our brothers and sisters in need. Use us to bless them with prayers and with material help. Thank You for the freedom we currently have to share Christ and to minister. Let us use this time and gift from You wisely! Let us be about Your business in our private lives, and in our communities. Use us to shine for You here in this world. You have us here in this place at this time for such a time as this. Empower us to be faithful to You! We pray for Your will to be done and Your kingdom to come. Use us to be Your hands and feet to love and to meet the needs of those who are suffering. Let us forsake worldly things and worldly wisdom and set our eyes on heavenly things and things that will matter eternally for Your glory.
In the Name and power of Christ,
New laws go into effect in Russia 7-20-16 that will profoundly impact Christians and will try to prevent them from sharing Christ with unbelievers.
The latest information on our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ from Voice of the Martyrs.