Here are some common lies we tend to believe about God, others, and ourselves. Write down the ones you suspect you may struggle with. Invite the Holy Spirit to examine the hidden motives of your heart in your quiet time.
This will do more good than most counseling sessions.
Be willing to REALLY dig into whatever lies are issues for you and spend as much time as you need to hash through what is true and what is not true. Spend a month here on this post if necessary.
Some of these things are not conscious beliefs, but rather unconscious fixed beliefs upon which we have built our lives. So don’t think about if you believe things in your head.
But do you live like these lies are true? What does the fruit of your life show?
Lies come from the enemy. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy us and everything in our lives. But we don’t have to be stuck in his gloomy dungeon anymore.
God tells us the truth, and His truth will set us free! Jesus has already provided for our salvation, sanctification, and freedom. He has all we need and He is all we need!
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
Allow God to transform your thinking though the power of His Word! Compare everything any human author said against the Bible. Be willing to trash ungodly thinking and rebuild your life on the Solid Rock of God’s Word alone.
Identifying the Lies We May Have Absorbed about God:
1. He is not good.
2. He is out to get me.
3. I have to earn His love.
4. God is holding out on me.
5. God’s commands are oppressive.
6. God is small and wimpy.
7. God is evil.
8. God is tempting me.
9. God can’t help me.
10. God won’t help me.
11. God is not sovereign. People are.
12. God is a tyrant. And people are just robots with no choices.
13. God needs me.
14. Jesus is not enough for me.
15. Circumstances are greater than God is.
16. God’s Word is not true or not totally true.
17. I can’t trust God.
18. God is not loving.
19. God is not just.
20. God should submit to me.
21. God just wants me to be happy (by my own definition of temporary fleshly happiness).
- The Peaceful Mom book, I go into detail about lies and share the truth from God’s word and how to change skewed thinking. Great resource for moms and those who have no children.
- “what does the Bible say about the character of God?”
- David Platt’s Secret Church series “Who Is God?” at or on Youtube
- Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology – search his podcasts for “the character of God” or “God’s providence”
- Kay Arthur’s books like – “Lord, I Want to Know You,” “The Names of God,” “Lord, Teach Me to Pray,” “Lord, Heal My Hurts,” etc…
- – the Character of God
- God’s promises to believers
On my site:
Identifying the Lies We May Have about Self:
1. I know better than God.
2. I am worthless/ugly/unloveable.
3. Even if I am in Christ, I am still a wretched sinner, I cannot receive my new identity and new self in Christ.
3. I am not a “real person” or a “real woman.”
4. God’s promises and His Word apply to other people, but not to me.
5. I know best for others. They all need my help and wisdom but I can’t ask for help or need help.
6. I can convict others of sin, that is my job. I am responsible for others’ decisions, choices, and the consequences they experience.
7. My sin isn’t as bad as other people’s sin.
8. God can’t forgive me.
9. I can’t forgive myself.
10. I can’t learn to hear God.
11. I must earn people’s love.
12. I am (or should be) the savior for myself and others. I am sovereign over my life and other people’s lives and circumstances.
13. I am exempt from God’s commands.
14. My emotions are greater and more important than God. They are the source of absolute truth, not God.
15. I don’t need spiritual nourishment from God and His Word.
16. I don’t have to pray for myself.
17. I can cherish certain sins and lies in my heart and be fine.
18. I am above having to forgive or give grace. I deserve to hold on to the “treasure” of bitterness.
19. I haven’t been forgiven from much because I don’t have much sin in my life and don’t really need a Savior.
20. I can’t be beautiful in God’s eyes.
21. I can’t know God.
22. Other people are important but I am not important at all.
23. I can be close to God and strong spiritually without allowing God full access to the darkest places of my heart.
24. My motives are always good.
- – “What does the Bible say about identity in Christ?”
- David Platt’s Secret Church “The Disciple’s Identity Part 1 – You in Christ” “The Disciple’s Identity Part 2 – Christ in You”
- – identity in Christ
On my site:
- Cinderella and the Gospel – receiving the love of Christ
- I Am Responsible for My Emotions
- I Am Responsible for Myself Spiritually
- I Can’t Have Needs, Desires, or Emotions
- Bitterness
Identifying the Lies We May Have Embraced about Others:
1. I am more important than they are or they are more important than I am.
2. I am justified to sin against people if they don’t do what I want them to do.
3. If I am in a bad mood, I have a free pass to lash out at other people in hurtful ways.
4. People are here to serve me or I am to be a slave to people.
5. I have to avoid conflict at all costs.
6. Others are responsible for my happiness and emotions. If I am upset it is their fault and they better fix it.
7. Others are responsible for my spiritual growth and character.
8. Others should submit to me and do what I want them to do.
9. Others must be perfect by my personal definition.
10. Others should control me. And I should have no voice.
11. I should control others and they should have no voice.
12. Others’ feelings don’t matter or my feelings don’t matter.
13. I have to disrespect myself to respect others or I have to disrespect others to respect myself. I can’t respect God, myself, and others at the same time.
All of these issues require proper balance and biblical understanding. If we swing too far one way or the other, we are living in sinful, destructive mindsets rather than in the truth.
- The Doctrine of Man at
- I Am Responsible for Myself Spiritually
- Avoiding Conflict
- Respecting Myself
- Isn’t It Demeaning to Me if I Respect My Husband?
- Are We Responsible for Our Spouse’s Happiness?
- Fear Fuels Our Need to Control
- Biblical Submission Is Not Passivity
- Husbands Are Not the Absolute Authority
Lies about Perfectionism/People Pleasing:
1. I should be able to be perfect in my own strength without Christ. I’m a good person. I am not a wretched sinner.
2. Other people’s approval is the most important thing.
3. If I can do things perfectly in my eyes, I can control everything and I will be safe and can be guaranteed the outcomes I desire.
4. My approval and opinions are more important than God’s.
5. I am responsible for things that really aren’t my responsibility.
6. If I am not worried, afraid, and trying so hard that I am exhausted, I don’t really love other people.
7. I can’t relax and enjoy intimacy with God or with others.
8. My value is in what I do – not in who I am or in what Christ did for me.
9. If I don’t ever make mistakes, other people will love me and never be upset with me. This is a reasonable plan.
10. Perfection, in my definition (i.e.: how clean my house is, or how much I follow a list of manmade rules), is more important than people and relationships, my attitude, or how I treat others.
11. I am the key here, not God.
- “What does the Bible say about perfectionism?”
- Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
- for “What does the Bible say about perfectionism?”
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Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Rom. 12:2
Much love to you! I am praying for you.