God gave us as women an incredible verbal ability and gift. I believe He did this so that we might greatly bless our families with words of life, inspiration, nurturing, edification, godly truth and encouragement!
(Even if your husband is far from God – and you are focusing on I Peter 3:1-6 and desire to “win him without a word” – these words are FINE to say! The focus of that passage is to not use words to witness to him about God, spiritual things or the Bible to try to verbally draw him to God. But to witness to him by your respectful behavior instead – that is what he can hear from you about God much more loudly than words.)
Some life-giving words our husbands and children need to hear from us – (they MUST be genuine and sincere from our hearts – do not say these things if you don’t mean them!):
- I’m SO proud of you for _________!
- I LOVE YOU just the way you are!
- I love you because you are you.
- I am the luckiest/most blessed wife/mom in the world to get to live here with you!
- You are so precious to me!
- I love being your wife/mom
- Being with you is my favorite part of the day.
- You are my HERO! Thank you SO much for saving the day! (When someone helps you)
- I love your sense of humor/wit/intelligence/talents/personality/creativity/musical ability.
- You are such a blessing to me. I’m glad God gave you to me.
- I am the happiest girl in the world to be married to you!/to be your mama!
- Sure, I have time to listen. What’s on your heart?
- I can’t wait to hear all about your day.
- You have such wonderful ideas!
- I am so glad/thankful to be here with all of you right now.
- (When someone spills something, makes a mess) It’s ok. No big deal. Let me help you clean that up! 🙂
- This family is a huge gift from God to me.
- Your feelings are important to me.
- Your ideas are important to me.
- I admire your insights and wisdom.
- Let’s do something FUN together!
- Of course I have time to play with you!
- Let’s go on a date!
- What would YOU like to do today?
- Let’s cuddle/snuggle for awhile.
- What’s on your heart today?
- (to children) You are one of my most favorite people in the world! (to husbands) You are the most important man/one in the world to me!
- I’m so glad you are the way you are.
- Being with you is such a blessing!/a gift!
- Thank you SO MUCH!
- I appreciate all that you do for me/us.
- My life is so much richer because you are in it.
- How did I get to be such a lucky girl/woman to be your wife/mom?
- I am so happy right here with you – all my dreams have come true.
- I trust you.
- I have faith in you.
- I believe in you.
- I respect you.
- I admire you because of __________.
- I look up to you. The way you ___________ makes me want to be more like you.
- I’ll never give up on you.
- I am so sorry. I was wrong.
- I apologize.
- Of course I forgive you.
- I’m not going anywhere. I always want to be here with you.
How about you?
What life-giving, affirming, wholesome, beautiful words do you like to use to build up your family?
What are some of the most meaningful things your parents/husband/mentor/friend said to you that built you up and made you a stronger, better person?
HUSBANDS – what kinds of affirming, life giving things mean the most to you when your wife uses words to build you up?