What made Greg so special to me that I stayed with him and never dated anyone else? There were so many things I admired about him: My Daddy approved of him and liked him. That was THE most important thing to me! I had always been my Daddy’s girl. He was a good student and… Continue reading Why I Fell For My Husband
Month: December 2012
How I Met My Husband
I have had a request to share how my husband and I met and a little more about our dating history. There was a strong Christian boy when I was in 9th grade who had asked me to be his girlfriend that year. My twin sister and I had made a rule with our Daddy… Continue reading How I Met My Husband
How to be a Lonely, Frustrated, Angry, Overwhelmed, Worried Wife
It takes a lot of work and commitment to do the things I am about to describe. But I promise you that if you carefully follow these steps, you will be successful at achieving your goals of having an unfulfilling, lonely, frustrating marriage. And I should know! I practiced many of these very skills for… Continue reading How to be a Lonely, Frustrated, Angry, Overwhelmed, Worried Wife
A Wife Shares Her Story of a Changed Marriage
From a wife I began talking with this past summer – she has been actively working on learning to obey God’s Word to respect and submit to her husband for about 5 months at this point, I believe. There were some very difficult and challenging times, especially the first few months … THANK YOU for… Continue reading A Wife Shares Her Story of a Changed Marriage
A REAL Helpmeet Suitable for Him
Sometimes we wives think we are helping our husbands when we are actually trying to control him like we talked about yesterday (check here if you missed it!). That was one of my biggest mistakes. I REALLY believed I was being helpful – but my husband saw me as being prideful (always “right”) and controlling.… Continue reading A REAL Helpmeet Suitable for Him
But He Needs My Help!
That’s what I used to think. I am “helping” him! That sounds noble and godly, right? That is what I told myself. Many women believe their husbands couldn’t survive in the world without them doing things for him and telling him what to do and critiquing him constantly and keeping a running account of all… Continue reading But He Needs My Help!
Respect 101 – From the Archives
So, husbands/men need respect in marriage. Women need love. (based on the commands of the Bible, and also experience!) For many years I tried to give my husband LOVE not RESPECT – and it didn’t work very well! I tried to ask him what he needed from me – and he couldn’t really tell me. It was… Continue reading Respect 101 – From the Archives
What Does Jesus Want Me to Do in My Marriage?
Marriage is HARD. Really – I would even say it is impossible – in human strength and effort alone. Men and women are SO different. We think and feel entirely differently. We have different priorities and needs many times. We approach things from completely opposite perspectives. We have very different strengths and weaknesses. Marriage is… Continue reading What Does Jesus Want Me to Do in My Marriage?
Receiving Your Husband’s Generosity Graciously
I learned a LOT about being a wonderful recipient of my husband’s attention, compliments, efforts and gifts from Laura Doyle’s “The Surrendered Wife” and from her book, “Things Will Get as Good as You Can Stand – When You Learn that it is Better to Receive than to Give!” RECEIVING AND FEMININITY Receiving well is… Continue reading Receiving Your Husband’s Generosity Graciously
A New Leader is Born
CHANGING THE DOMINANT WIFE/PASSIVE HUSBAND DYNAMIC When a wife has been trying to control the marriage and making most of the decisions and the husband has been unplugged for many months, years or decades – it takes TIME and practice for her to step down and learn to be a great follower and it takes… Continue reading A New Leader is Born