Photo by Gerrie van der Walt on Unsplash As parents of a 16 year old, we are in the midst of driver’s training at our house. Our son is doing really well. We hope he will have his license in the next month or two. We have given him my husband, Greg’s, 1997 Honda… Continue reading “Hey, Honey… I’m Stranded at Work!”
Category: Respect for My Husband
17 Tips to Ask for What You Desire Respectfully
The way you approach your husband makes a massive difference in the way he will respond to you. There are unhealthy, destructive ways to ask your husband for something that is very important to you – and there are healthy, productive ways. A FEW TRUTHS ABOUT MEN (and really, we women often feel the same… Continue reading 17 Tips to Ask for What You Desire Respectfully
Twenty-Five Ways to Be a Safe Place for Your Husband Emotionally
We as women understand the desire to feel safe with our men. We want to feel safe and secure physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually – and in every way – in our marriages. That is one of our greatest needs as wives. Husbands want to feel safe in every way with us, too. Men have certain… Continue reading Twenty-Five Ways to Be a Safe Place for Your Husband Emotionally
How Do I Respect My Husband without Idolizing Him?
To me, the primary key in balancing respecting my husband but not idolizing him is to watch my motives. I want to care about his feelings and concerns. I want to treat him well. But why? Do I want his approval more than anything? Or do I want God’s approval more than anything? If I… Continue reading How Do I Respect My Husband without Idolizing Him?
When You Are the Primary or Sole Breadwinner As a Wife
What if your husband can’t work, won’t work, or doesn’t make as much as you do? What if you are the main breadwinner as a wife? If you feel marital tension because of this, you’re in the right place!
“Another Man Wants My Advice”
Many of us hurt so much with people who are hurting. I know I do! When someone comes to us with their relationship problems or spiritual problems, we want to help. We want to see them feel better ASAP. We want to comfort them, sympathize, and be a good friend. It is may not… Continue reading “Another Man Wants My Advice”
25 Ways to Show Real Respect for Your Husband
Looking for ways to show respect for your husband that will be meaningful to him? Respecting your husband blesses your marriage. Here are 25 practical tips.
"Isn't It Demeaning to Me if I Respect My Husband?"
A guest post from a precious sister in Christ who is very new to this journey: Thank you!! I was ready to quit when I stumbled onto your site. When you responded to my anger with such kindness and affirmation something clicked for me – if I could be kind to my husband when he’s… Continue reading "Isn't It Demeaning to Me if I Respect My Husband?"
Why You May Want to Keep Respecting Your Husband Secret for a Bit
When you as a wife first learn about respecting your husband, it’s tempting to give him a detailed play-by-play of what you are discovering. I’m here to encourage you not to do that!
The Respect Knob
I have talked about “the respect knob” in past posts long ago, specifically referring to the idea that we don’t want to turn up the “volume” of our showing respect too high for men to whom we are not married. I want to elaborate a bit more on this idea. Bear with me, because I… Continue reading The Respect Knob