Could God Be Trying to Lead Through Your Husband Now?

I want to give y’all a heads up, sisters. Please realize that God may give your husband important promptings during this time of crisis. Be listening and ready for God’s leading in new ways. And be aware that things may move quickly in this season.

God knows what is coming and He knows how to prepare His people for what is going to happen. So if your husband suddenly has a strong feeling or sense that your family should move, that he should change jobs, or that your family should make some other big change, please don’t immediately dismiss him.

God has appointed him to be the head of your home to protect, love, provide for, nurture, and lead you and your children.

But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

1 Cor. 11:3

I’m not saying every thought a husband has is from God. But some of them sure could be. So let’s seek to be supportive and cooperative.

God can also lead a believing wife even through an unbelieving husband. So be aware of ways the Lord may be speaking to him in these coming weeks and months.

Be open to ways God may lead your husband

Consider that the Lord may be leading him and trying to lead you and your family through him. Pray about the issue and invite God to give your husband wisdom and discernment. You do not want to fight something God wants your husband to do for your family!

God tends to give people in positions of leadership special insights, nudges, vision, and convictions to lead His people, especially when His people are walking in faith and trusting the Lord, yielding to His Lordship.

Sometimes a husband has a gut feeling he can’t explain. He just feels convinced he needs to do something and that it is very important. Other times, he may believe a certain course of action is from the Lord.

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

Col. 3:18

(Note- If your husband is leading you into sin, please don’t follow him there. Or if he is high, drunk, abusive, or not in his right mind, please reach out for help from someone you can trust. There are times not to follow our husbands.)

Our husbands need our prayers for wisdom now more than before as they seek how best to lead and protect their families in a time when there is great chaos in the world.

If we fight them, we will make their jobs so much harder. And we can make it harder for them to hear God’s leading, too. Not a good plan. We want to make it as easy as possible for our men to hear the Lord’s direction right now. We can help with that by treating them with honor, respect, and a receptive spirit to their ideas and concerns.

Spend private time with God

Seek to be sensitive to anything the Lord may be speaking to you, as well. Be open to His voice and prompting in your own life. Set aside time with God to listen. Soak in His Word. Spend time in prayer, praise, thanksgiving, confession of any known sin, and making petitions for the needs in your family and in the world.

Ask God to give you direction, discernment, and wisdom. Invite God to share His heart with you and lead you individually and lead your family. He may give you much-needed information and preparation, too. Something to help you face the challenges that are coming.

Ask God to help you bless your husband and family and set a godly example of strong faith and courage. Share anything you believe God may be laying on your heart with respect.

The ways God leads

When there is a major crisis, we need to be more alert and tuned in to the ways God may want to lead us than ever. He leads us through His Word, His Spirit, circumstances, and through people He has placed in leadership positions in our lives. In marriage/family, that means husbands/dads.

Let’s have a cooperative spirit with the Lord, yielded to His will, and dying to our own will. Let’s be willing to follow God on a great adventure this year—ready for whatever God wants to do right now in our lives. And let’s be on the lookout for the ways God wants to speak to us and lead us for our good and His glory.


Have you experienced God leading you and your family through your husband? We’d love to hear about it if it is something that is appropriate to share.

Do you desire prayer for wisdom for your husband as he seeks to lead? You are welcome to share prayer requests here. I know many people are facing very difficult times right now.


Biblical Submission

Biblical Submission Is Not Passivity

What Is Godly Spiritual Leadership?

Supporting My Husband’s Leadership

What Do Headship and Biblical Submission Look Like at Our House?

Extra Help

The Peaceful Wife—Living in Submission to Christ As Lord


  1. Hello April, what a timely word. This crisis has really brought so many hard conversations to the table and sometimes one might wonder what direction to go. God is so mercifully kind; he always speaks. This post is a confirmation of that. With so much uncertainty, it is so easy to respond with fear and anxiety but we must put our ultimate hope in Christ. All Glory to God and thank God for you. Thank you.

    1. beyondblessed,

      Yes, it has been quite a year for all of us, hasn’t it? I believe Jesus has us safely in His hands, those of us who belong to Him. And I long for everyone to come to Him very soon. Our hope must be in Christ. He is the only Solid Rock.

      You are most welcome.

      Much love to you! Praying for God’s wisdom and leading for you, your husband, and your family.

  2. Thank you for your spirit inspired articles. You bring out in few words, what would take us years to learn from the Holy Spirit by ourselves.
    I have been in situations where my husband clearly was directed by God to make decisions. At some point in his career he was away 3 weeks at a time. I suggested we move the family. He said he didn’t feel it’s necessary. I insisted. But he said no. I let it go (not easily) and trusted God. About 6 months later, he was transferred to a nearer place where he can see the child every weekend.
    Imagine if I pushed through and got another school for our daughter there and work for me????????.
    I thank the Holy Spirit.
    And thank you for your writings. It helps us young wives draw closer to Jesus as we realise it’s not about us. But Him. ♥.

    1. Hilder,

      It did take me years to learn this stuff. And my progress was painfully slow for a number of those years. I pray that God might help me make it easier for wives who come behind me to understand and apply His Word to their lives.

      Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story. I’m so thankful for your husband’s leading. So thankful you cooperated in the end.

      It is my honor to get to share with my precious sisters!


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