In my last post, “It’s Time for You to Become the Woman God Created You to Be!” I shared a simple, yet profoundly important plan.
The plan can get you from where you are now—frustrated, lonely, insecure, and maybe feeling unloved— to where you really want to be spiritually, emotionally, and relationally in life.
We all want to be secure, fully known, completely loved, and empowered to be the very best version of ourselves we can be.
The way the journey often goes to become a godly wife
Every woman starts out on this journey unsure, weak, afraid, and in need of help.
Then, she meets a mentor who understands her plight and has been there and who can show her the way and point her toward success.
There is a specific path you will need to take if you want to become all you are meant to be.
There is one narrow path that leads to real life and real love
The secret is Jesus. He is the One who can safely guide us on which way we should go. He has the plan. And not only that, He can give us the power we need to carry out His plan for us.
When women are whole in Christ, they are empowered by God to have divine relationship skills that greatly bless their marriages and other relationships.
There is a more detailed refresher of the 4-Step Peace Plan in the last post in case you didn’t get to see it, but here is the bare-bones version:
- Look upward to the majesty and Lordship of Christ.
- Look inward to get rid of your old self and put on your new self.
- Look outward to see others from a whole new divine perspective.
- Look forward to all that the Lord has in store for you.
Most of us are used to looking at others, our circumstances, and ourselves. We are fixated on space and time. It’s kind of like we are mice in a maze. All we notice is what is horizontally in front of us at the moment. The walls, the openings, and the other mice right around us.
But what a different perspective we could have if we looked upward!
God is not inside of the maze of space and time like we are. He is not limited to each snapshot of a moment. He can see every day in the history of the earth as clearly as He can see today and He can see every future day equally all the time.
He is far above the noise and clamor of this world, but He knows everything that is going on. The Lord can see the entire maze. He knows the beginning and all the dead ends.
God knows the pitfalls and traps. He knows the enemy’s every thought, action, and strategy to thwart us. God also knows the way out. He did design life, time, and space, after all.
And He can see it from a much more strategic vantage point, which makes Him the perfect Guide for us.
We wear ourselves out running around the maze like crazy trying to figure it all out. But we keep getting frustrated and running into dead ends in our relationships and problems.
Why do we trust ourselves instead of God?
Yet, if we would stop, be still, and look up, we would see Jesus, high and lifted up in the throne room of heaven reigning in majesty, glory, and authority over the entire universe.
We would see myriads of angels praising Him continually. We would see a vast crowd of saints singing to Him and worshipping Him.
He is not a mouse like we are. But He knows our needs and He loves us and wants to provide well for us. He came and lived as a “mouse” on our behalf.
He was fully man and fully God all at the same time. Jesus lived in the same circumstances, the same maze. And yet, He made no wrong turns and He conquered the whole thing on our behalf, if only we will trust Him.
Now, He lives in all of His divine glory in the highest heavens with all authority.
Here is the picture we should have of Jesus as He is today—stop and focus completely on these words and imagine every detail in your mind’s eye:
Among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.
His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword.
His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said:“Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”
Rev. 1:13-18
Imagine that you were standing in front of Jesus and you saw Him like this and that you collapsed in awe and holy fear and reverence. Picture that He put His hand on your shoulder and said these words directly to you that He spoke to John.
- How important would His words be to you in that moment?
- How significant would your problems on earth appear?
- How difficult would it be to put your faith and trust in Him if you could experience His holiness so tangibly?
- Would you have any doubt that His wisdom is greater than your own if you could see Him in all of His glory and understand who He is?
As we focus on Him and we see Him in His proper place then we also understand rightly our identity and who we are in Him. There is no room for pride here! No telling God what He better do. Only true humility and thankfulness.
We willingly, gratefully allow Him to be the rightful Good Shepherd of our souls.
We can also begin to see and hear His communication with us about the way we need to go each moment through His Word, through prayer, through circumstances, and through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, as we are sensitive to His voice.
No, we may not understand why He wants us to take a certain path at the time, but He is looking ahead to the end. He wants what is best for us in light of eternity and what is best for the kingdom.
Christ, alone, is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. What an incredibly Good Father He is for us if we will simply look up in total faith and surrender.
We can trust Jesus completely and yield to the Lordship of Christ absolutely.
What if you lived every moment with the knowledge of His presence in your mind and heart like this? Imagine if you received all of Himself that He is offering to you and if you surrendered all of yourself to Him, keeping your gaze always on Him in your spirit?
What might happen if you invited Him to do absolutely everything He longs to do in and through you? And if you invite Him to be close to You and to teach you His ways?
Does that seem scary to pray? It really shouldn’t. It’s the key to the most wonderful possible life here and in eternity!
I want you to get to experience Him, His love, His presence, and His provision more and more every day of your life. There is no greater Gift. There is no greater Love!
He is the Pearl of Greatest Price.
He is worth giving up all else for and sacrificing everything here on earth for so that we can have Him close to us now and forever!
How to bow to the Lordship of Christ
- See who He really is. Examine His character and attributes. Build your entire understanding of God from the truth of the Bible and reject any caricature you may have developed of him in your mind.
- Repent from everything that grieves His heart. Turn away from your wisdom, your sin, and anything/anyone else you put on the throne of your life to try to meet your deepest needs for security, identity, fulfillment, love, and empowerment.
- Yield completely to His Lordship in faith from this moment on for the rest of your life. Leave everything else behind in your heart and mind and follow Him wholeheartedly with love.
- Respond with a life of worship— joyful reverence, awe, love, praise, faith, thanksgiving, and holy fear.
Then— His heart will be filled with joy! He loves to have close fellowship with you! He gave up all of Himself for you. Now you give all of yourself to Him.
You will be blessed to abide in His presence, love, grace, mercy, glory, and beauty. Being close to Him is the best place to be in all existence.
Your life will change when you allow Jesus to be Lord of your life.
When you look upward like this:
- God changes your perspective to be more and more like His eternal perspective.
- God transforms your mind to become more like Jesus.
- God gives you a new heart, nature, and Spirit.
- God opens your eyes to see your problems, your trials, other people, and yourself in divine ways.
Problems, trials, and painful things begin to look so tiny and small as you see how big, strong, and mighty He is.
Like the old hymn says,
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
When you look upward, as a child of God, you avoid so many toxic things.
When you keep your gaze on Jesus in worship, love, and surrender, you can’t be filled with fear, worry, anxiety, despair, depression, or frustration.
The Lordship of Jesus in your life brings real life and real love
- His perfect love casts out all fear. (1 John 4:18)
- There is no need for worry, anxiety, or frustration when you know who God is and you know who you are in Jesus. (John 15:9)
- There is no place for despair because you serve a sovereign Lord who has all power, all wisdom, and whose every motive toward you is love! (Phil. 4:6-7)
- There is no room for discouragement because His promises to you are all true in Christ. (2 Cor. 1:20)
- You know that there is no condemnation for you (Rom. 8:1).
- You know that nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord! (Rom. 8:1, 38)
- You know that He will use all of the problems and difficult things in life, as well as all of the good things, to conform you to the image of Christ and for your ultimate spiritual good and His ultimate glory. So you can’t lose. No matter what happens in this life, when you are in Jesus Christ, you win! (Rom. 8:28-29)
You can choose to have a saving relationship with Jesus today to begin finding life-changing spiritual healing and hope.
You will keep him in perfect peace,
Isaiah 26:3
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
I needed this today. My marriage has been on a downward spiral and I can’t stop focusing on all the negative. I’ve taken my eyes of Jesus and this has brought me back but I think I’ll need to read it several times each day. I’ve been so so sad.
I’m so glad this was a blessing. We all need reminders to look up. Especially when things are tough.
How may we pray for you?
Much love!
I love your analogy of the mouse and the maze! What a great image!
Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Lord help us to keep looking UP and hearing your voice!
I was thinking of that verse as I was writing, too. In fact, I plan to use it in my post about the 3rd step!
Thanks so much for sharing. <3
This message came to me for such a time as this. Thank you Lord
I’m so thankful God used this to bless you. <3
Hi April,
This helped me today. I thought I may be pregnant earlier this week and got so excited….until I realized today that I’m not. I was so sad….but this post has helped me to look up at my sweet loving Jesus who knows what is best for me and has a special plan for me.
Nneka Simone,
Oh, my dear sister! I have had times like that myself, it doesn’t take long to get so excited about a possible pregnancy. It feels like such a loss when it turns out it in such a disappointing way. I’m very sorry, my friend.
Praying for God’s comfort and healing for your heart and His restoration for your soul in this time. And yes, He absolutely has a wonderful plan for you!
Much love! <3
This is a beautiful song by For king and country that came to my mind it is titled “Shoulders,” if anyone is interested in listening to it.
Thank you so much!