Real romance is all about selflessness, thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity.
Sadly, we sometimes miss out on appreciating things that actually could be extremely romantic, if only we decided to look at them that way.
We are conditioned by our culture (and advertisers) to recognize certain specific things as romantic:
- Flowers
- Dinner out at a fancy restaurant
- Pricey cards
- A trip out of town
- Diamonds
- Jewelry
These things definitely can be romantic and very special treats that we can enjoy from our husbands, at times.
But the truth is, anything your husband does for you to benefit you, or your children, is a gift. And anything he does out of love, thoughtfulness, and consideration for you is special. Even if it is free.
If it costs him time, effort, energy, and/or money, he is generously extending love to you.
Don’t let his love go unnoticed, my dear sister!
Here’s a secret to experiencing greater romantic connection in your marriage:
Anytime your husband does something sweet for you—big or small— decide to receive his loving act toward you as something very romantic.
Because it is!
So if he does something loving like he:
- Gives you a compliment.
- Tries to cheer you up.
- Brings in an income to help provide for your needs.
- Fixes your car.
- Runs to the store to get tissues and medicine when you are sick.
- Stays home with the kids so you can do something to recharge.
- Helps you with a chore.
- Tries to protect you from harm in some way spiritually, financially, emotionally, or physically.
- Invites you to go for a walk, or is willing to go for a walk with you when you ask him to.
- Comes home to spend the evening with you instead of hanging out with friends or working late.
- Chooses a movie he knows you’ll like or avoids one he knows you’ll hate.
- Makes a sacrifice so you can have or do something important to you.
Here’s what you can do:
- Smile! Let your face light up with delight.
- Use a friendly tone of voice as much as possible.
- Thank him with words and maybe a hug or kiss.
- Appreciate his loving gesture and cherish it in your heart and mind.
- Maybe even think about ways you could do something special for him that he would appreciate, too.
There is something extremely lovely and feminine about a wife graciously and joyfully receiving a gift her husband gives her. Your delight over what he did for you is a precious gift to him!
Romance in real life is found in appreciating the little things.
For they have refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge such men.
1 Cor. 16:18
Attraction and real life romance need nurturing. They are much like a garden. You have to pull the weeds, water, provide sunlight, monitor the temperature, and fertilize at the right times.
If you focus on the good and on being thankful for the good things you notice in your husband, romance will naturally begin to grow.
Some proven ways to nurture real-life romance and attraction:
- Focus on the things you respect and admire about your husband.
- Keep an ongoing list of things for which you are grateful about your husband and about things he has done for you.
- Speak positively about him to yourself, to others, and to him.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thess. 5:18
(There are times we need to address sin. But, in general, if there is not major unrepentant sin going on, we want to focus on the good things.)
One of the most attractive things about women, to our men, is our softness. Yes, we have soft, lovely curves, generally. But more than that, when we respond and act with feminine gentleness, softness, and openness, that is beautiful and magnetic to our men, too.
Another way to be soft is to be responsive. Be responsive and open to his words, his loving acts, his gifts, and even to his touch. Melt into him when he touches you.
We want to avoid a few things that kill our softness:
- Yelling.
- Sharp, hurtful words.
- A harsh, short-tempered response.
- Being bossy.
- Being argumentative.
- Being negative and complaining.
- Freaking out and worrying a lot.
And we want to invite God to help us be empowered by the Spirit (Gal. 2:22-23) to be:
- Peaceful.
- Patient.
- Joyful.
- Kind.
- Gentle.
- Self-controlled.
These godly responses draw our men to us, make them feel more masculine and protective of us, and tend to increase the attraction and romance in our marriage over time.
When we seek romance and our own feelings first, we end up sabotaging real-life romance. But when we seek Christ first and seek to honor Him as we relate to our men, romance generally results as fruit from being properly cultivated.
But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet (or peaceful) spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
1 Pet. 3:4
When you are spiritually healthy, then you are able to provide the most conducive atmosphere for your marriage to thrive.
There are more secrets to building real-life romance and attraction in marriage, but let’s start with these. Then we can build from there.
What (rated G) secrets have you learned about how to increase romance and attraction in a real life marriage? We’d love to hear your insights.
(Note, if you are on the home page, you may need to click on the title of the post to go to the individual post’s page. Then you can scroll down to the comment box and search bar.)
Much love! <3
- 22 Ways to Destroy Intimacy and Trust in Your Marriage
- 25 Ways to Be a Safe Place for Your Husband Emotionally
- Let’s Talk about Sex – this post has links to all my posts about many sexual issues
- Understand God’s Role for Husbands in Marriage
- Understand God’s Role for Wives in Marriage.
NOTE – If you are facing severe issues in your marriage like uncontrolled mental health issues, abuse, violence, major addictions, etc… please seek experienced, trustworthy, godly help from a counselor, the police, a doctor, or whoever is appropriate. My posts are not written specifically for wives in extreme situations like this.
Hi April,
Thanks for these very helpful reminders. I will definitely focus on trying to improve in these areas.
My husband doesn’t have money for lavish gifts, dinners or trips but he is always available to take care of our son and/or cook a meal so that I can have time for myself or to go out with friends. Romance does not need to be expensive to be valuable.
Just last night, we went out to an affordable dinner for my birthday and I used that time to express how much I want us to apply to become foster parents to serve Christ through helping vulnerable children in need. He lovingly and firmly told me that we are not in a good place to take on that kind of responsibility right now…AND….he offered to leave work early once a week to take care of our son so that I can use that time to volunteer at a children’s home. He said that he will definitely agree to us applying to become foster parents in the future when we are more stable financially.
I consider that to be a deeply romantic experience for both of us because
1). He listened to me and took me seriously
2). I respected his point of view and didn’t try to force my way on him
3). He offered me a way to do things for children in need on a regular basis
4). He promised that we can become foster parents in the future
I believe that simple acts of romance like this (listening, demonstrating respect, making small sacrifices and genuine promises to one another) do more to build a strong marriage than expensive gifts, dinners and trips.
Much love,
Nneka Simone,
Wow! That was an amazing conversation! I’m so thankful for his leadership and love for you and for your heart for children and your heart to honor Christ and your husband. And I love the way he provided a way for you to be able to bless and love vulnerable children even though right now your family is not able to take on fostering. I also love that he wants to make that a reality in the future.
So beautiful! <3