We found 645 results for your search.

“I Want to Follow my Husband. What if He Doesn’t Lead? How Can I Inspire His Leadership?”

If I really want to have a cooperative spirit with my husband but he won’t seem to lead. How can I inspire his leadership in ways that are healthy and not controlling?

A Fond Farewell to My Readers

The time has come for me to say goodbye. (At least for now.) I’d love to hear from you and give you a chance to share. Blessings!

How I Began to Grow Close to the Lord

Not sure where to start on your faith journey? Maybe these ideas could be a blessing to you as they were to me.

5 Baby Steps to Grow As a Christian Wife

Need some action steps to help you get started with growing as a Christian wife? Here are 5 tips that were a huge blessing to me on my journey.

How to Deal with Rude People

Are you confused about how to deal with rude people when they ask totally inappropriate questions about your marriage? Let’s talk about it together here!

Feminism: How Many Feminist Lies Have Hurt You?

We live in a postmodern feminist society where the concepts of feminism are taken as a given. What feminist lies have harmed you, your marriage, your family, and our culture?

Want Spiritual Power? Pursue Meekness

Spiritual power in Christ’s kingdom is not about steamrolling people, making demands, or being selfish. The true key to great spiritual strength is meekness.

What Is the Role of a Pastor VS a Husband?

Many wives are confused on this issue of leadership. How can you determine what is the role of a pastor in your life vs. the role of your husband?

Is a Christian Wife Supposed to Be a Doormat?

What does it mean to be a Christian wife? Are we supposed to be a doormat: quiet, passive, and weak? What does a godly wife look and act like?

What Does Our Marriage Look Like Now?

Our marriage was in trouble back in 2008. Greg barely wanted anything to do with me. So how is the state of our union now? Here’s a sneak peak!