Greg’s Take on My Lightbulb Moment

(Greg wrote this in about 2012-2013)

Where do I begin? Back several years ago in December of 2008, April and I were in our church’s book and coffee shop waiting while our kids were attending AWANA (a children’s program where kids memorize Scripture).

We oftentimes head over there because it is a great place to catch up with each other and maybe have a smoothie.

April discovered a book at the coffee shop

While we were there she ventured over into the books section and came back a little bit later with a book called “Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (based on Ephesians 5:22-33, Col. 3:18-19, and 1 Cor. 11:3).

Well, April loves to read, but self-help-style books typically meant bad news for me, particularly books that might try to explain how I think.

Why I hated marriage books

I guess since we have been married I have been conditioned to be a bit apprehensive. I have been the “test subject” for a lot of these books over the years.

Unfortunately, I typically failed miserably at responding the way a book would indicate that I should have. I would love to try to explain why this has been the case, but I really have no idea.

I probably do not have to explain to you that my failure to provide the correct reaction did not make April very happy.

Something life-changing happened

Back to the coffee shop, April leafed through the pages a little and then stopped and looked up at me.

Then she said, “This book says that the single biggest need a man has is to be given respect by his wife. A man needs this more than being loved and more than intimacy. Could that be right?”

I thought for a minute. Guys tend to do that a lot and it is a learned thing. Mainly, because they didn’t think sometime in the past (before speaking) and now they are reminded word for word about something from years ago.

Also, because they weren’t thinking about it when they said it they don’t remember that they said it but do not really have any defense against it because they forgot it. Yep, go ahead and read that again.

So after exploring all of the many myriads of wisdom that I could provide in answering the question I said, “Yeah.” After getting one of these book questions right for once, April asked if it would be okay if we purchased the book.

In another long-drawn-out thinking session, I told her, “Sure.”

Something new began to happen

Over the next few weeks, April read the book and occasionally would come and ask me if I agreed. Almost every time I agreed with the book.

April then came to me with a startling announcement. “I thought that I had been a good Christian wife all of these years, but after reading this book I think I have failed miserably. Will you forgive me?”

I was a little shocked that April wanted to be forgiven for not being as respectful to me as she thought she should have been. I think part of that shock was that I probably thought she had been showing me godly submission since we have been married.

I think we have always had a good marriage. We could always have improved in some areas and our communication was good most of the time.

I know there were issues we would deal with and I would think that we had come to a resolution on them that would keep popping up again, but I was sure that was just how life was.

My personality

I probably should give you a little background into my personality. I am a pretty passive guy. I don’t like there to be a lot of conflicts and I would rather let you have your way than work through something if it didn’t seem to matter.

I try to be a gentleman where ever I am and I still try to hold the door open for a lady, let a lady enter a door before I do, and be generally helpful any way that I can.

I am a quiet person and I don’t mind spending time by myself. I am rarely going to be someone that speaks up in a class. I am a very slow decision-maker. I spend a lot of time working through decisions and want to evaluate what is the best overall solution to a problem.

April’s personality

April is a big go-getter in everything that she does. She wants everything to be taken care of now and would rather make sure that happens by doing it herself.

Any answers to any decisions she has to make are totally black and white with no gray areas. This also carries over into her spiritual life. She has incredible knowledge of the Bible and such a command that it is a bit disarming to me at times.

She is very friendly and able to provide great conversation. She is a wonderful pharmacist (until 2019) and prides herself in providing as much knowledge as possible to customers of the medicine she dispenses.

Well, I could go on for a long time here. Let’s just say that she’s really great at a lot. Though, if you haven’t figured it out yet she may have just a touch of OCD.

Where was I? Not having any idea what kind of change this might make in my life,

I told April, “I forgive you.”

Scary new things began to happen

Over the next few months, April would ask me questions daily about if she did this respectfully or did I feel disrespected by this response to something.

She started asking me (making me at first) to make a lot of decisions she had always made. She had me start to keep up with the finances. She had me make more decisions about the kids.

To start with I can tell you that I was a little uneasy with this. Who am I kidding, I was thinking when the aliens came in and either abducted or probed my wife did they get me, too?

In a matter of a couple of months, my wife was letting go and becoming a godly wife. By giving up some control of these areas that bound her down for so long she actually was well on her way to a peaceful life.

She was able to look at me with different eyes and our kids have been blessed by it. She understands me more than she ever has in our marriage. She sees me for all of the positive things I bring to our family and is blind to my faults.

I had to change to keep up

I had to make some changes too. At first, I was pretty unsure if I have to make more of the decisions in our marriage how would I reap some of the benefits as well.

How did I win if most decisions around the house get sent to my shop? I am not good at making these decisions.

April is very good at seeing the immediate right and wrong on a decision. I should only step in to protect the kids when Mom has gone a little too far. I have a lot of grace to offer.

After struggling with this at first, I began to get more confidence when I made a decision.

As I got more confidence, April respected me more. I have been more involved with our family. April and I talk a lot more and about a lot more areas of our relationship.

I feel like I am being talked to a lot more now and not being talked at. I feel like I know what I am going to come home to (a big smile and a hug) at night from work, instead of fearing what might have taken hold of April’s thoughts during the day.

Our marriage has truly gone from being good to great.

After a couple of years of April devouring every book on the subject she could get her hands on and also wanting to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming, I told her that she should talk to other wives and tell them what a difference this has made in our lives.

Well, if I thought it was worth her telling other people about this topic I didn’t have any choice but to help when she asked if I would contribute some work to her blog.

I hope to provide a little insight from a man’s perspective into what it is like to be a respected husband. I hope your husband will get to feel like I do.

For more on Greg’s perspective, check out my book, The Peaceful Wife, where I devote an entire chapter to an interview with him.


Does anything surprise you or stand out to you about what Greg said?

How did your husband respond as you began to change?

Or if you haven’t started this journey to become a godly wife yet, what are your concerns or fears? Let’s hash through them together!


My blogs were hacked about 2 weeks ago and were down for a week and a half. We have beefed up security now. I hope this won’t happen again. If it does, we have a plan B and a plan C.

If you ever see anything weird, you can try to let me know on my FaceBook page “Peaceful Wife Blog,” my YouTube channel, “April Cassidy,” or my Instagram page “@Peacefulwife.”

Thanks for your patience!

My latest skit!

I’ve been doing skits again lately on my YouTube channel. Here is my latest… (Before, I was much more like the first wife in this skit. Now, I am essentially the second one. Praise God for His healing and willingness to transform us!)

Ways I Disrespected and Hurt My Husband

What Is Respect in Marriage?

The Peaceful Wife Book – “The Respect Dare” was a big launching point for me. But it left me with TONS of questions about the practicalities of respecting my husband. Join me as I walk you through all the baby steps the Lord showed me as I learned what it meant to be a godly wife.


  1. Blessings April
    It is always a blessing reading from you. I’m evolving and really looking forward to be that godly wife the Bible tells me. You are so much of the truth of Christ. I am so happy you are back… I’ve searched for your messages for a week now and glad to see the write up today as a reminder. I’m always indicted reading from you. Well Holy Spirit is really helping me. This is a great reminder for me” , “This book says that the single biggest need a man has is to be given respect by his wife.” Thank you April for this. I really appreciate……this write has done a lot to me as I read it and will not leave me same. God is with you!

    1. Kchiz,

      I’m so glad that the posts are a blessing. My prayer is to share the spiritual treasures and blessings the Lord has shown me on this journey. Maybe He can use me to make this road a bit lighter and less confusing for those coming behind me.

      You are most welcome. I praise and thank God that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

      Much love in Christ!

  2. God is changing me since I started reading your book. My husband called me a peaceful wife the other day. Whata blessing to allow God to change me. My husband is less harsh and more gentle with me now. He is also more generous. Thank you!

    1. Lisa H Young,

      Wow! Your words brought tears of joy to my eyes. Praise God for His goodness and healing for us, our marriages, and our husbands.

      Blessings, dear sister!

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