One of our most important jobs, precious sisters, is to pray without ceasing for our country, the world, our leaders, our communities, our coworkers, our neighbors, our families, and ourselves.
Right now, I would encourage us all to spend extra time in our prayer closets in fervent prayer for the church, America, and the world for repentance, a new Great Awakening, and for mercy from heaven. We need God’s healing desperately.
Much is at stake.
If you are also able to fast one-two days per week or part of a day(s), please do.
This may be the greatest spiritual battle of our generation. Let’s use the spiritual weapons of prayer, praising God, fasting, thanksgiving, and great faith in the Lord to provide for His people. Let’s appeal to His heart to bring many into the Kingdom, whatever it takes.
What Should We Pray for Specifically for America?
- Repentance from sin in the church and in our nation as individuals and corporately.
- Godly wisdom for our leaders in the government, church, business arena, big tech, news, media, Hollywood, schools, medical field, and families.
- Us all to invite God back into every aspect of our lives and to kneel to His rightful Lordship, getting rid of every idol and false teaching.
- Protection from Satan’s plans to steal, kill, and destroy.
- The victory of Jesus in our land.
- Exposure of evil, deception, and lies.
- A mass spirit of humility, repentance, and salvation.
- Wisdom for our husbands and for ourselves.
- God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done.
- Righteousness, godly justice, truth, and peace in our land.
- The advancement of the gospel of Christ.
- Protection for the most vulnerable in our nation (the unborn, the elderly, the sick).
- Peace and unity in Christ.
- Forgiveness, mercy, and grace from God to all of us and from all of us to one another.
- Spiritual healing for communities, marriages, families, and individuals.
- The cleansing and purifying of the church and of our own souls that we might stand boldly for Christ and lead many to Him.
- Righteous believers to rise up to take the lead and point people to Jesus.
Encouraging Verses about Prayer
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Tim. 2:1-4
“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,” Eph. 6:18
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chron. 7:14
Hi April,
Thanks for this call to prayer. Only God can bring healing and peace in times of conflict.
I read “Left to Tell” by Rwandan genocide survivor, Immaculee Iligaziba. When she was in hiding during the 100 days of the genocide, in the midst of such terrible conflict, she spent up to 15 hours per day praying and reflecting on scripture. At the end of the period, she had the spiritual strength to forgive those who carried out the genocide and rebuild her life after having lost her entire family. She’s now happily married with two sons and has travelled to dozens of countries teaching about the miracle of love and forgiveness through prayer.
We need to spend less time looking at the news on TV and more time reading the good news and praying.
In that way, God will bring us peace!
Yes, we sure do always need Him!
What a terrible thing. I can’t imagine what the people there in Rwanda experienced. 🙁 But I love how God worked through her life and is still working. That is glorious!
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for this post. I am also called to prayer for America. I don’t think that the 2 Chronicles 7:14 verse that is so often quoted for America applies directly to America, because America is not Israel. Israel had that promise, but both Israel and Judah failed and entered into righteous judgment via Assyria and Babylon conquering them. We have no promise from God that America’s constitutional republic will remain forever. We have no guarantees that God will heal America; he may choose to righteously judge America. The true church does have God’s eternal promise for the New Earth/eternal reward. The best thing we can do is pray for God’s best and perfect will for America, for the gospel, for mercy for America, for the world. I join you in these prayers. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 is a clear call and command that many of us have neglected for too long. I am praying God will remind me to pray and that God will call His true church to effective prayer and more faithfulness. I have a prayer group on Facebook entitled “PRAYER FOR GOSPEL & AMERICA” if anyone is interested.
I’m glad you are praying for America!
I realize that 2 Chronicles 7:14 was a promise given to Israel. But I believe it is a spiritual principle. When God used Jonah to warn Ninevah that He would destroy them in 40 days and they repented, He relented and didn’t bring judgement on them then. When revivals happened in America in the past and in Europe and other places, God brought much healing. In fact, during the Welsh Revival, the police officers had nothing to do because crime went down to almost nothing, so they formed singing groups and travelled around singing for people.
Yes, Israel and Judah are an example to us. As is Sodom, the ancient world of Noah’s time, Babylon, Persia, and many other nations who rebelled against the Lord and eventually experienced His righteous and holy judgment.
We don’t have any guarantees about America’s constitution lasting forever. There is no America really mentioned in the Tribulation days. But America was founded on the Christian faith. How I love to read the prayers of those who laid the foundations of this nation. I do believe that God will honor their prayers and ours as we are willing to repent and turn to Him. Or, perhaps, He will preserve the part of America that is willing to repent.
We deserve God’s righteous judgment. I believe our “basket of fruit” (Amos 8) as a nation is very ripe. There is a point of no return when grace is no longer an option and judgment falls. I believe we could be extremely close to the Tribulation times, as well. And that if America falls, it could well usher in the one-world government, economy, and religion of the AntiChrist. Things are already very much prepared.
My prayer is for God’s mercy and for our repentance. And that He might bring as many into the Kingdom of Life as possible. He does know what is best. I surely do not. It could be that it takes a time of great suffering to bring people to Christ.
Thank you for joining me in prayer, dear sister!
Much love in Christ!
I have been having dreams since the election in which I feel God is trying to talk to me. I feel calm and at peace even though these dreams have been a little wild!
I’m so thankful you are feeling at peace. What a blessing!