A Sneak Peek at My Book Cover!


April Cassidy   03-2015

My first book, The Peaceful Wife – Living in Submission to Christ as Lord, is scheduled to be available January 27, 2016!!!

I’m so excited to see how God has orchestrated this and how He is bringing it to fruition.

Kregel Publications has done an amazing job. I love my editors and the new cover design (below) and my new web banner that they created for me. What beautiful artwork! I am incredibly thankful to God for the talent, time, and effort they are pouring into this project! I am also very grateful to God for the agent He has given to me – Dan Balow (The Steve Laube Agency). I can’t begin to describe what a total God thing this process has been.

You may already check out the Amazon page for my book, if you are interested. 🙂 It was a surreal moment for me to see it for the first time last week.  I have just about completed all of the revisions and soon the Kregel editors will be doing the finishing touches to get the book ready to print. It will also be available as an e-book, as well.

Please pray with me that God might speak mightily through this book to every woman He desires to reach. Pray for wisdom for the editors and staff at Kregel. Pray for His wisdom for me. Pray for God’s protection over my family and marriage and for His wisdom for Greg. Pray that God might prepare the minds and hearts of those who will read this book to be sensitive to His voice. Pray that His will might be done and that each word might be for His glory. I long for Him to pour through me – if He is willing – and through many others to edify His church and to usher in a Great Awakening in our generation. I want to see this generation – men, women, and children – rise to become a holy, Spirit-filled generation for Christ!

Please pray that God might heal countless women, marriages, husbands, and families according to His sovereign plan. I want it to be ALL God – not me. I want to share His message accurately and with His love so that other women don’t have to stay in a hopeless prison of loneliness, worry, anxiety, fear, and bitterness – but that they might experience the freedom, joy, peace, and abundant life Jesus has died to provide for them! I can’t keep the Treasure of Christ to myself!


My new book cover! Thank you, Kregel Publications!