What Does It Mean to Be a “Lady” – to Be Feminine? (Some Questions for My Readers)


 Audrey Hepburn in 1954 – from Wikipedia

I am planning on doing a series of posts about ungodly femininity and godly femininity in the coming weeks. But I also want to talk about general femininity. The definition of what it means to be feminine or to be a woman has changed quite a lot over the past 100 years in our culture. And yet, there are some things about femininity that are timeless.

I think that looking back to some of the old movies of Hollywood can be interesting – particularly watching Audrey Hepburn or Julie Andrews. When we see either of them, we immediately think, “look how feminine she is,” or, “she’s such a classy lady.” Audrey Hepburn’s movie, “My Fair Lady” is actually a very interesting study on what it means to be a lady if you haven’t seen it!

What is it about these women (and others) that signals that they are so classy, ladylike and feminine? That is something I want us to think about together.


A scene from the film “The Sound of Music,” starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, released by 20th Century Fox in 1965.

I have found that some of the best, most articulate and detailed descriptions of femininity often come from the gentlemen. At least, that was certainly true on my other blog here and also here when we have discussed this topic. So, I would like to invite the men to respond to these questions as well as the ladies. (My apologies, but I will not be able to post comments that are “manospherian” in order to honor my husband’s request of me. Thank you so much for understanding.) I may use your responses anonymously in a post and possibly in a book in the future, so, if you respond, you are granting me permission to quote you.

You are welcome to answer any or all of these questions. There is room for variance in the answers. Femininity is not a one-size-fits all. There are many styles and ways of being feminine that are beautiful and God-honoring. Hopefully, we have all witnessed examples of beautiful, classy femininity that we can draw from as we think about the answers to these questions. I’m excited to have this discussion together!

1. How does a classy, feminine woman look in general?

2. How does a feminine woman, a lady, dress?

3. How does a feminine woman move? What is her posture like?

4. How does a lady speak?

5. How does a feminine woman act?

6.  How does a lady project that she embraces and cherishes the gift of her femininity?

7. How does a very feminine woman feel about herself?

8. How does a man feel about himself when he is in the presence of a very classy, feminine lady?