Prayer Day


Praying Scripture in faith is a powerful way to claim the promises God has given to us in His Word and to make them bear much fruit in our lives as we trust God in faith to do what He has promised He would do for those who love and obey Him.

Most of the prayer today will be from Romans. I am assuming that you have received the gift of Life from Jesus and that He is your Savior and Lord – if He is not, and you would like to have a relationship with Him that you might have and know God and live with Him in heaven forever, please let me know!

I’d be glad to share  how you can know Him and how you can find God’s forgiveness for the things you have done wrong so that you can be in right standing with God through Christ and experience the abundant spiritual life He freely offers to You! There is no better news than this!

You are welcome to fast and pray with me for a meal or several meals or the whole day (there are many ways to fast) in order to repent to God if there are sins you need to repent of, or in order to seek God’s healing for yourself or your marriage or to pray for your husband’s salvation, to seek God fervently and/or to pray for a Great Awakening in the Body of Christ today.

You are also welcome to practice I Corinthians 11:3-11 with me if you would like to in obedience to God’s Word for us as wives to show respect for our husbands’ God-given authority over us as we pray.


You alone are God! There is no other!!! You are the Creator of the universe. You have infinite wisdom. You are worthy of all of our love, worship, praise, obedience and devotion no matter what our circumstances. You hold all power in Your hand.

You are Love and You are Light! In You there is no darkness at all. You are completely sovereign over every subatomic particle and galaxy in the universe You have made. Your plans cannot be thwarted. You will accomplish Your purposes.

Thank You for Jesus and all You have done for us! We can NEVER begin to repay the billions of dollars of sin debt we owe You. Thank You for making a way for us through the suffering and death of Christ that we might stand before You clothed in His righteousness and full of His holiness and that we might be able to approach You only because of what Jesus has done for us.

This is love! That Jesus was willing to lay down His life and bear the punishment we deserved so that we can come to You through Him. We praise and thank You for Jesus and we know that You will along with Him graciously give us all things in order that we might do Your will and bring You great glory.

Show us every sin, Lord. Open our eyes to the magnitude of our sinfulness. Let us see every trace of sin and let us see it for the ugly, nasty, filth that it is in Your sight. Let us hate what You hate. Let us love what You love.

Let us be willing to lay our hearts, minds and souls completely bare before You so that You can shine the blazing Light of Your Word into the darkest recesses of our lives. Give us godly sorrow for our sin and let us mourn deeply over our sin – knowing how much it grieves Your heart and fills Your heart with pain.

Cleanse us from every evil thought and deed and motive. Empower us by Your Spirit to live in obedience to You and to have BIG faith in You. Let us be certain we are building our lives around You alone and finding our identity and purpose in You alone. Let us not put anything above You in our hearts.

  • Let us walk in total obedience to Your Word by the power of Your Spirit flooding our souls.
  • Let us not be ashamed of the gospel but let us live in the power of the death and resurrection of Christ daily!
  • Let us  desire the knowledge of God and intimacy with You more than anything else in our lives.
  • Let us not condemn others, trusting God to judge, not ourselves.
  • Let us have yielded, soft, pliable hearts that are very responsive to Your touch and Your voice, not stubborn, hard, unrepentant hearts.
  • Let Your holy Name be exalted in the world because of our lives and Your work in us.
  • Circumcise our hearts, Lord! Let us die to our old self and sin daily, moment by moment, let us surrender all that we have and all that we are to Your Lordship. Let us be living sacrifices for You.
  • Let us humble ourselves completely in Your holy presence. We are wretched sinners. Without You, there is nothing good in us at all.
  • Let us embrace the healthy fear of the Lord and stand before You or bow before You in awe, trembling and reverence. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom.
  • We have no reason to boast about anything before You. Anything good we have – You have generously lavished on us.
  • Cleanse us of any unbelief, let us not waver but hold onto Your promises, being fully persuaded that You are able to do what You have promised.
  • We are declared to be in right standing with You through Christ and His work on our behalf on the cross. We cannot add anything to the salvation work Jesus did for us.
  • Let us rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
  • Let grace rule and reign in our lives!
  • We have died to sin, let us not live in it any longer! Thank You that You have set us free from the bondage and slavery of sin!
  • Let us count ourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus!
  • Let us stop offering the parts of our body to wickedness but rather offer ourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of our body to Him as instruments of righteousness.
  • Sin is no longer our master! Now we are not under the Law, but under Grace!
  • Let us live as slaves to God not sin, becoming more and more holy as God works in us to make us like Jesus!
  • We died to the law through the body of Christ, that we might belong to Another, to Him who was raised from the dead in order that we might bear fruit to God.
  • There is now no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus because You have set us free from the power of the law of sin and death by the power of the law of the Spirit of Life!
  • Let our minds be set on what the Spirit desires, not on earthly or sinful things.
  • We embrace the promise that as You control our minds and hearts by Your Spirit, that our minds will be life and peace.
  • Let us put to death the sins of the body by the power of Your Spirit that we might live.
  • We have not received a spirit of fear but the Spirit of sonship(/daughtership) that we can cry out “Abba, Father!” (Daddy!)
  • We praise and thank You for making us heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ if we share in His sufferings that we might also share in His glory.
  • Thank You that the Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express and that He searches our hearts and prays for us in accordance with God’s will.
  • We thank and praise You that You promise to use ALL things to work together for our ultimate good (to make us like Jesus) because we love You and have been called according to Your purpose.
  • You are FOR us, so who can be against us? We have no reason to fear, worry or doubt anymore!
  • Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!
  • In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
  • We can do nothing to bring others to You. Empower us to share the gospel and then we trust not on our desire or effort but on Your mercy to bring many to Yourself!
  • Cleanse our hearts from idols and from thinking that we can “earn” Your love. Let us live by faith in what Christ has done, knowing that what He did was more than sufficient to make us right with You and that His sacrifice for us has the power to transform our hearts and minds to make us like Himself – again by His power, not through our own efforts. Help us to live in Grace and not try to return to works!
  • We hold onto the promise that anyone who trusts in You will never be put to shame and that everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved.
  • Let us offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is our spiritual act of worship.
  • Let us not be conformed to the pattern of the world anymore, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
  • Let us be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.
  • Let us love our husbands sincerely from the heart with Your love.
  • Let us hate what is evil and cling to what is good.
  • Let us be devoted to our husbands in brotherly love.
  • Let us honor our husbands above ourselves.
  • Let us keep our spiritual fervor, serving the Lord with all our hearts.
  • Let us be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
  • Let us share with those who are in need according to Your will.
  • Let us bless our husbands when they persecute or mistreat us. Let us bless and not curse them!
  • Let us rejoice when our husbands rejoice and mourn when they mourn.
  • Let us live in harmony with our husbands.
  •  Let us not be proud or conceited but let us associate with our husbands humbly.
  • Let us not repay our husbands evil for evil.
  • Let us live in peace with our husbands as far as it depends on us.
  • Let us not take revenge but leave room fro God’s wrath.
  • Let us feed our husbands even when they seem to be against us.
  • Let us give our husbands something to drink even when they act like our enemies.
  • Let us not be overcome  by evil but overcome evil with good!

In the Name and power of Christ as we seek His will alone,
