Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. Proverbs 21:9
I don’t think that any of us want to be labelled a “quarrelsome wife” – but I have to admit that I sure was one at times in those first 15 years of our marriage.
I was quick to anger, quick to speak and slow to listen, unfortunately. 🙁
I was so task-oriented, that I didn’t just slow down and enjoy my husband or savor the journey. Now I know, that is NOT at all how I want to live my one chance at life!
Do you know that men enjoy having peace in their lives? Sometimes quiet is just the thing they need to recharge their souls. Men do not usually emotionally bond with words or by talking face-to-face like women tend to do.
One of the ways men like to bond most is to do “shoulder to shoulder” activities (Shaunti Feldhahn “For Women Only” and Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ “Love and Respect”). They often like to bond just by being together doing stuff.
Try just sitting quietly in the same room or out in the garage or in the driveway a few feet away from your guy as he works on a project sometime this week. Don’t try to initiate conversation. Just enjoy being with him. Get him something if he asks for it. Or surprise him with a cold glass of tea and a snack. Sit on a stool or in a chair and just savor being with him, enjoying watching him work. Smile at him if he looks at you. Know that you are feeding his soul and nourishing your marriage.
1. What can you do to be more relationship focused and to enjoy your husband more?
2. Think about what your husband loves to do – maybe he has invited you to go and you have always turned him down. Do something he enjoys with him this week if at all possible. Fishing, basketball, watch him work on a project, help him with a project (if he suggests it), go with him to a game or race.
3. How can you show your husband that you are “his number one fan” as Nina Roesner suggests in The Respect Dare?
4. How are you doing with not being a nagging, quarrelsome, contentious wife? What do you believe God would have you to do about this if you have room for improvement?
You are welcome to share your ideas of things to do with your husband, or how to show your husband you are on his team. How do you plan to turn down the negativity, arguing, complaining, nagging, criticism and negativity.