We all go into marriage with a lot of expectations. (Click here for Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
And, as a reader of mine quoted last week,
“Expectations are premeditated resentment.”
Ladies, what are some expectations you have of your husband and marriage?
Some expectations – I believe are valid. I believe we should be able to expect our wedding vows to be honored. But sometimes even that doesn’t happen, sadly.
- if I love my husband well (or submit to him biblically and respect him), that my husband will always love and cherish me the way I want him to – that he will “owe me” and must please me or must be the man I want him to be or act in certain ways
- if I do things right – God will also “owe me” and I will never have to suffer
- my husband will never turn me down for sex
- my husband must be perfect and must never sin against me
- that marriage will be like a romantic movie, I will constantly feel “in love” and “loved”
- that marriage will solve all my problems
- that if I am married, I will never be lonely
There are many more possibilities, but this is a good place to start. Keep in mind that these expectations can easily become idols for us – and we can easily set our hearts on these things instead of on Jesus alone.
We will look at some additional expectations tomorrow.
- I have an obligation to my Lord, Jesus Christ, to obey His Word and to love my husband, respect him and honor his God-given leadership (Ephesians 5:22-33, Titus 2:2-5, I Corinthians 11:3, I Peter 3:1-6). But my accountability to God is for my own sin and my own obedience and God requires my obedience to His Word regardless of my husband’s corresponding obedience to God’s Word to love me as Christ loves the church. Husbands are people. They have free will. Just like my husband cannot force me to obey God and love Him, I cannot force my husband to love God and obey Him. And I cannot force him to love me either.
- God values suffering when it is for His glory. God promises that we will suffer in this life. Jesus suffered as an example for us. And God wants to use suffering to make us more like Jesus. My life will have suffering. But God’s promise is that He will be there to empower me to endure and that He will teach me and make me more like Jesus. I will learn the most during my times of suffering if I will listen for God’s voice.
- Reality is that husbands do reject their wives sexually, sometimes. Some husbands do this more than others. But the way I respond when I am rejected is a big indicator of how close I am to God. Can I take my hurt and pain to Jesus and find my fulfillment, joy, strength and purpose in Him alone? Or do I begin to cherish a grudge and bitterness and hatred? God can and will use these situations to help make me more holy if I am willing to do things His way and let go of my own wisdom.
- Husbands are human. They are all wretched sinners in desperate need of Christ! So are wives! He WILL sin against you – the question is only when and how much. God can and will use these opportunities to reveal the sin in your own heart because we are most tempted to sin when we have been sinned against (Gary Thomas Sacred Marriage). If I cannot respond to my husband’s sin with mercy, forgiveness, grace, respect, gentleness and speaking the truth in love (after removing the sin from my own life first) – then I have a lot of sin to confess and repent of before my Holy God.
- Marriage CAN be very romantic sometimes. But it is not Hollywood. And it can be and will be excruciatingly painful other times. It will not follow a carefully scripted movie plot line. When we expect men to act the way they do in romantic chick-flicks (which are often written by women) – we are buying into a fantasy that completely warps real masculinity. We set up false expectations for our men when we consume these things. If watching romantic movies, reading romantic books and listening to love songs creates discontentment in you – romance may be an idol and it is time to stop watching and listening to these things and time to focus on Jesus and His love.
- Paul says that those who have married will have much trouble in this life. Marriage does not solve nearly as many problems as it creates! Marriage is a gift and a blessing. God designed it to demonstrate His love and relationship with His people. But in a marriage between two sinners – there is MUCH TROUBLE. Expect that. Be prepared for it. Don’t complain and argue. Be ready to give grace and to roll with reality and be flexible. Your way is not the most important thing. God’s will is the most important thing!
- The loneliness that happens sometimes in marriage is a loneliness that far exceeds (in my view) the loneliness of being single. There are times that we will be lonely, VERY lonely in our marriages. I believe that is our cue to look to Jesus. Our husbands will fail us. But Jesus never will. When I keep my heart set completely on Jesus alone – I will find the belonging, the security, the peace, the love, the acceptance and companionship I so desperately long for.
Do I believe I am justified to sin against him by cussing, screaming, yelling, throwing things, hating him, resenting him, gossiping against him, undermining him to our children, withholding sex from him, not forgiving him, thinking I am so much better than he is, belittling him, disrespecting him, taking over and trying to control him and the family? If I respond in even one of these ways – I am in sin before God.
The way I respond when my husband doesn’t meet my expectations reveals the level of sin in my heart. It shows whether the sinful nature is in control or God’s Spirit is in control. When God’s Spirit is in control, He empowers me to respond to my husband, even if he sins against me with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.
Take a minute and think about
1. What are your expectations of your husband and marriage? Are any of them toxic?
2. How do you respond when your expectations are not met?
3. What idols and sin is God revealing here that He wants to deal with and remove from your heart?