Share a Priceless Moment with Me! :)


This is me after several minutes of sobbing when I saw my husband, Greg, bring in two boxes that had just been delivered from Kregel Publications. What an incredible moment – to open that box and to hold a copy of the book I have been working on for the last few years in my hands for the very first time!



I could NEVER have imagined when God opened my eyes to my mountain of sin (in December of 2008) what He had in store for my life. When I saw what a wretched sinner I was – how prideful, controlling, untrusting in God, unforgiving, self-righteous, disrespectful, etc…  – I wanted to go live in a cave and never talk to another person ever again. Then I begged God to change me and began to pursue Christ with all my heart. I wanted to become the woman He wanted me to be. I trashed everything I thought I knew about living for God, being a godly woman, what godly marriage is about, and about femininity – and begged God to help me rebuild my life on His Word alone. I wanted to try to make things up to Greg after over 14 years of wounding him – without even realizing it – in our marriage. I wanted to make things up to God – not that I ever could – but I wanted to start to live a life worthy of Christ.

Now, 7 years later (God does love the number 7, doesn’t He?) – I am awestruck and humbled that God is willing to pour Himself through me to reach thousands of women and their marriages around the world. There is no good in me at all apart from Christ. I know exactly what I am and where I would be without Him. I know I don’t deserve this amazing ministry. I know I don’t deserve to get to see all of the miracles God is doing in so many lives each day. I feel like the most blessed woman on the planet to get to be right here doing what I love and what I know God has called me to do. I can’t keep the treasures of God to myself. I want to see Him heal every sister (and brother) in Christ and I want to see Him bring millions to Himself!

This book was an intense labor of love, fervent prayer, and tears. Greg asked me to write it. I believe God called me to do this.

Please join with me in praying for the women (men, and children) whose lives God will touch through this book.

Pray that His Spirit might prepare their hearts and that His Spirit might speak to them on every page. Pray with me that I would greatly decrease and God would greatly increase – that it might be ALL about Jesus, His Lordship in each of our lives, His kingdom, and His glory! That is my greatest desire!

One of the things I look forward to most of all (other than meeting my Lord) is when so many of us will meet in heaven face-to-face and I will finally get to hear every detail of each of your stories and what God has done in your lives. I can’t wait to see how His love and truth will ripple out from your life into your marriage, your husband’s life, your children’s lives, and into the lives of other women and families around the world.

Please continue to pray that God might equip and empower Greg and me to be faithful and obedient to all that He asks of us. May our lives bring glory and praise to Jesus!

The book will be released January 27, 2016!

I was able to paste the link to the Amazon page on my Peaceful Wife Blog Facebook page this week. Sadly – WordPress will not allow me to paste the link to Amazon. My apologies! I was able to add it in the comments. Or – you may search Amazon for “The Peaceful Wife” or “April Cassidy” and the book will come up. It is available for pre-order if you are interested.

Much love to each of you!

THANK YOU for being on this amazing journey with me! I can’t wait to see all that God will do in our lives together!!!







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