How Do Men Process Emotions?

We spent some time this past week looking at how several different men think and process problems at work and in their marriages.  I’d love to have even more husbands answer these questions to give us a broader picture.  But I’m so thankful for the men who have been willing to answer these questions for… Continue reading How Do Men Process Emotions?

How Men Think – Part 3

This is a continuation from a series.  You can find Part 1 and Part 2 here.  These comments were made by husbands in response to the post “Why Pressuring Your Man to Talk NOW Can Be a Problem”   I am so thankful to the men who were willing to take the time to share their… Continue reading How Men Think – Part 3

How Men Think – Part 2

This is a continuation of How Do Men Think  and from Why Pressuring Your Man to Talk NOW Can Be a Problem from last week (also check out God Understands Men and Part 3 of this series).  My hope is to showcase a number of different men with different vocational/cultural backgrounds and allow them to… Continue reading How Men Think – Part 2

God Understands Men.

God understands what both men and women NEED to thrive in marriage.  That is why He gave us the commands He did in the Bible.  I am thrilled about today’s post.  This is a continuation of a series I am doing about how men think (part 1, part 3, part 4), process, emote, talk and relate… Continue reading God Understands Men.

How Do Men Think?

I am SOOOOO excited about this post!  I believe that if we as women could better understand how God designed our men to operate, think, feel and look at life – we could be so much more accepting, understanding, empathetic and appreciative of their strengths and even their weaknesses.  I believe that if we realize… Continue reading How Do Men Think?

Why the “Rapid Fire” Method of Talking Doesn’t Work with Our Men.

My husband actually asked me to write this post and it is an honor to write about this topic! Greg and I have been talking about how differently men and women process, speak and think during conversations. What I am about to share with you is REALLY FOREIGN to our female minds – but it… Continue reading Why the “Rapid Fire” Method of Talking Doesn’t Work with Our Men.

Something that Christian Men Wish We Knew about Them

This is a guest post from (my other blog) this week for the SINGLE ladies.  It is a single Christian man’s response to a question I asked him after Tuesday’s post (Why Asking About His “Five Year Plan” Can Backfire).  I believe that the way we treat our men reflects the same level of respect… Continue reading Something that Christian Men Wish We Knew about Them

What Was I Thinking???

My real husband and myself last May on our anniversary One of my readers, a single Christian guy, commented on this comment of mine – my words are in blue.  I thought his question was a good one.  Here is my attempt to describe what on earth I was thinking those first 15 years of… Continue reading What Was I Thinking???

How Husbands Often Respond to Their Wives at the Beginning of This Journey

These are some of my observations.  I wish I had large scale statistics and all the resources of Shaunti Feldhahn – but I don’t! This is a process for wives and it is a process for our husbands, as well. AT FIRST Forgiveness  (if their wife repents to them) – most husbands are very forgiving,… Continue reading How Husbands Often Respond to Their Wives at the Beginning of This Journey

The Voice in His Head

by the Respected Husband On Sunday, September 23rd, the Peacefulwife ran a guest post by Kayla Gulick titled My Demon. In the article, Kayla described how all of the voices in her head accuse her husband of the worst. This prompted a discussion between the Peacefulwife and me. She then asked me about whether a… Continue reading The Voice in His Head